Injections and Other Procedures

Plantar Fascia Injection

The plantar fascia (PF) is a thick band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes. It helps support the overall shape of your foot, especially when standing, and helps with shock absorption.

Proximal Tibial Bone Graft

Bone grafts may be needed for various orthopaedic surgeries of the foot and ankle. Bone grafts provide bony support and/or fill in areas where bone is missing. Bone grafts are either taken from the patient (autograft), or taken from a bone donor (allograft).

Regional Anesthesia

Regional anesthesia makes a specific body part numb so that surgery can be performed. The goals are to make the foot and ankle numb during surgery and relieve pain after surgery. This helps patients need less medicine during and after surgery. 

Removal of Hardware

Many foot and ankle procedures require insertion of metal plates, screws, rods or similar implants for stabilization of the bones while they heal. There are a number of reasons why a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon will chose to remove this hardware.

Syme Amputation

A Syme amputation is an amputation done through the ankle joint. The foot is removed but the heel pad is saved so the patient can put weight on the leg without a prosthesis (artificial limb).